The Secret to Handling Rejection

The Secret to Handling Rejection

When we feel rejected by others, it can trigger some of our deepest feelings of abandonment, sadness, hurt and shame. When we feel rejected by others, we barely take pause before we head down self-rejection alley. This is a sad, anxiety provoking and depressing place to be, it can be very damaging to your self […]

How to Spot & Stop Negative Thinking with CBT (Part 1)

How to Spot & Stop Negative Thinking with CBT (Part 1)

Thoughts. Everyone has them. As we go about our days we’ve got a constant stream of thoughts running through our heads. Some thoughts are helpful – helping us to focus, achieve our goals, helping us to feel confident and connected in our relationships – while other thoughts bring us down, making us second guess ourselves, […]

How to Spot & Stop Negative Thinking with CBT (Part 2)

How to Spot & Stop Negative Thinking with CBT (Part 2)

Read Part 1 of this article. Here’s the 11 negative thinking patterns that can trip you up. An important thing to be aware of is that unhealthy or negative thinking patterns are actually thinking errors that give us a distorted view of reality. They do not offer an accurate, factual or balanced view of reality. […]

8 signs you’re in an Unhealthy Relationship

8 signs you’re in an Unhealthy Relationship

If you’re in a relationship that leaves you feeling bad about yourself frequently, that’s a red flag that says it’s time to take a closer look at what’s going on. From an outsiders perspective it may seem obvious, but when you’re the one in an unhealthy and controlling relationship it’s often hard to see the […]

When you feel stuck, there’s hope!

When you feel stuck, there’s hope!

They say the definition of madness is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result – yet many of us do this unconsciously in our relationships. We keep having the same old arguments, repeating the same old patterns that deprive us from the closeness, support and respect we deserve in our […]

Feeling bored? 8 ways to keep your relationship alive!

When we’re young and in love, or in the early days of dating we make a real effort – we go out on more dates, we may travel, try new things with our partner and we’re really quite creative in how we spend time together. If you’re not into cooking for example, you may still […]

#metoo – Healing After Trauma

metoo - Healing After Trauma

It’s shocking to know that one in three girls and one in seven boys may be sexually abused in New Zealand before they turn 16 according to HELP Auckland’s sex abuse support agency, who provide counselling and psychotherapy for victims of abuse. In his groundbreaking book “The Body Keeps the Score”, Bessel Van Der Kolk […]